Three Kinds of Audience Targeting Options in Google Ads, Explained Briefly


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Marketers are on a constant hunt for the best possible methods to reach their target audience while increasing conversions through Google Ads more effectively. If you’re one of them, be sure to check out these best google ads practices here. But, let me tell you. Audience targeting options can be a game changer in achieving your advertising goals.

Today, we’ll walk you through the three different types of audience targeting available on Google Ads: Website and App Visitors, Customer Match, and Similar Segments. By understanding these options and how they work, you’ll have the knowledge to choose the best option for your needs and see an improvement in your ad campaigns’ performance.

Website and App Visitors

These are the type of audience targeting that can get you to reach people who have already shown interest in your website or app. This feature lets you target users who have previously visited your site or interacted with your app, giving you the advantage of knowing they are already somewhat familiar with your brand.

In this option, all you’ve got to do is add a Google Ads remarketing tag to your website or mobile app. Once installed, the tag will collect data on visitors’ behavior and create an audience segment for those users who have interacted with your site. Then, you can generate this information to serve ads specifically targeted toward them. Even you can remind them that your brand is indeed worth interacting with.

Customer Match


Customer match is a great audience targeting options Google Ads offers that can let you reach your existing customers across different devices and platforms. This feature helps advertisers to tailor their ad campaigns specifically to their customer base, leading to better engagement and higher conversion rates.

With customer match, you’ll be able to upload a list of email addresses and even phone numbers from your customer database into Google Ads. The platform will then match this data with its user database so that you can target those users with ads on YouTube, Gmail, Search Network, or Display Network.

This targeting method provides several benefits for businesses looking to drive repeat purchases or upsell products/services. In addition, Customer Match also offers flexibility in how advertisers choose to engage their audience by allowing them the choice between using standard text ads or dynamic creative ads based on users’ interests and online behaviors.

Similar Segments

If reaching new potential customers sharing similar characteristics with your existing audience is your intention, be sure to choose similar segments. By understanding the interests and behaviors of your current audience, this option helps you expand your reach to people who are analyzed to have an interest in what you’ve got to offer.

Using machine learning algorithms, Google analyzes data about your website visitors and identifies patterns or similarities among them. Then it finds other users on the internet with similar browsing behavior, interests, demographics, and purchasing history.

By utilizing the Similar Segments targeting option, you can create ads for those prospects who tend to convert into paying customers because they closely resemble those already familiar with your brand. This feature also lets advertisers broaden their reach beyond just their customer list or landing page visitors without sacrificing relevance.

Bottom Line

It’s clear that each option has its fair share of pros and cons. So which one to choose? First of all, think about your advertising goals and the type of business you’re running. If you’re a new business looking to gain more website or app traffic, website and app visitor targeting might be the right choice for you.

But if you’re more into targetting existing customers with personalized ads or promotions, customer match could be the way to go. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for an effective way to expand your reach beyond current customers while still maintaining similar interests and behaviors in those audiences that are most likely interested in what your company has to offer, then similar segments best suit your marketing strategies.